Our college student volunteers are the heart of our community. Their commitment, hard work, and leadership help create the magic of Kesem. When you give to a student leader, you're helping them reach their goals.
1. Click donate
2. Enter your donation amount
3. In the field that says, “Would you like to credit this donation to a specific fundraiser or team?,” type the name of the student in the search bar
If the student you chose has a fundraising page, their page will appear.
4. Click on their page.
5. Fill out the remaining payment information and click GIVE NOW!
If the student’s name does not appear when you search, it means they have not set up a fundraising page this year. To direct your gift to them, please follow these steps:
1. In the field that says, “What would you like your donation to support?,” choose their Camp Kesem chapter by typing it in the search bar. *Please note: The chapter name should include the name of their University. If it doesn’t, ask your student leader for the official name of their Kesem chapter. Where it says, “Let us know who referred you to Kesem,” enter the name of the student leader you want to support.
If you have any questions, please reach out to support@kesem.org.